Materials on this site come from one of several
- Submissions of articles and photographs from others.
- I require that people making those submission own the work and explicitly give me permission to publish. I credit those people and for photographs add copyright information to the photo before posting. Please do not submit information for this site unless you can give legal permission for its use.
- Public Domain
- This is the most problematical as determining if something
from the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s are in the public domain
requires research on each item. I note each item that I believe
it is in the public domain. I am not a lawyer nor have I
expertise in intellectual property law so while I have made an
effort to follow the applicable law, I may make inadvertent
mistakes. I will remove any item questioned and will work with
the owners of removed items to assure that similar mistakes are
not made in the future. The decision tree that I use is shown in
the image on the right (click for larger view). This is based on
a number of references but the one in the most concise form that
I’ve see is published by
Cornell University
- Material of my own research and creation.
- Data and quotes extracted from reference sources are cited with a hyperlink of the form [reference] to a full description of the reference source. Items that are not credited are of my own creation.
Please do not copy from this site with out asking for and receiving permission.
Linking To This Site
All pages on this site are visible to the world at large and are, as it were, in the public space. As publicly available pages any linking, including “deep linking” is legal and moral. Go ahead and link to any page you wish.
However.... This site has under gone major reorganizations in the past and may suffer future reorganizations. Any “deep link” you use may break in the future. For that reason, it is recommended that you link only to This will help insure that you do not suffer broken links in the future.